Say Goodbye to The Quarter-Life Crisis

Where you may find yourself…

  • Bored with the same mediocre lifestyle, struggling to find meaning in life although nothing is necessarily “wrong”…

  • You’ve set boundaries, but you’re struggling with enforcing them! You’re the person everyone calls when they’ve got issues, but you don’t understand why it feels like no one is actually there to support you…

  • You’re in a life transition and this is a good thing, but you can’t figure out why it’s making you feel anxious or stressed…

Where you’d like to be…

  • Confidently navigating through life

  • Not only setting but enforcing your boundaries

  • Have a clear vision and plan for this new phase of your life

Here’s what we’ll work on in therapy…

  • Teaching you practical skills to increase your level of self-awareness

  • Give you the language to enforce your boundaries with the people who matter most in your life

  • Help you identify the blockers in your life, so you can enter this new season of life feeling empowered