3 Myths About Teens Who Self-Harm

You’re only considered someone who self harms if you cut yourself. If you self harm, it’s the same as wanting to kill yourself. People who self harm are crazy.


I’m sure you have probably heard all of these statements made if you’re alive today. Self harm is such a taboo topic. Many people are scared to address self harm for fear of making the situation worse. Mental health itself carries a stigma, yet somehow we find certain mental illnesses more tolerable than others. For example, Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder is common + therefore considered “normal” vs. Bipolar I Disorder, which is considered crazy.

For the month of July, FTHC ran a campaign to break the stigma surrounding mental illness. We tackled some “heavy hitters” like hospitalization, trauma + suicide. Today I want to help debunk 3 myths about teens who struggle with self harming behaviors. Ready?

3 Myths About Teens Who Self-Harm...

Numero Uno // They don't want to get better

Numero Dos // Self-harm is only an issue for teens in broken homes

Numero Tres // They can't get better


Teens actually want to get better! They just don't know how to get better! Teens who self-harm require special support, because many people don't understand self-harm. Many teens don't necessarily want to kill themselves. They simply want a way to relieve their pain.


This issue affects all races, classes, economic statuses, it's a common misconception to think that it's just a {insert specific group of people} problem. Sometimes popular teens can struggle with self-harm due to the pressure to be perfect or maintain perfect status. Teens dealing with depression {not always} can struggle with self-harm, because it's the only way they feel they can get relief or control. Some people self-harm to escape their reality.


Teens who self-harm can recover! It doesn't matter how long your teen has struggled with self-harm - they can recover! Self-harm recovery requires the right blend of supports in combination with a strong desire to get better. Teens who struggle with self harm are often isolated + feel misunderstood. This often negatively contributes to the cycle of self harm.

Are there myths you’ve heard about teens who self-harm? How do you go about confronting these myths? I would love to hear from you! Comment below or in the Tribe Lounge!


If you're struggling to communicate with a teen - here's a FREEBIE to help you get started! Click the image below!