|a fatherless daughter| could be a daughter whose father walked out on the family; could have been given up for adoption + lives in foster care; could also be defined as a daughter who fails to establish a connection with a father-figure in their life. So what does the life of a fatherless daughter typically look like?
Read more4 Reasons to #endparentshaming Now!
" I wish my child would do that - I would (insert incriminating statement that might require a call to the Department of Child & Family Services)!"
"Your child goes to bed at what time? Pssshh! (insert eye roll) That's bad parenting!"
"That child needs a spankin' that's why they're so bad!"
"See? He spanks his child - that's why they're so violent at school!"
"Ice cream as a bribe??? Tuh!!! They got that child spoiled!"
Read moreMy Kid Has What?! Living With a Mental Health Diagnosis
A diagnosis is not the end of the world. We hear stories all the time of people overcoming overwhelming challenges, why should your story be any different?
Read moreI Don't Like My Kid's Friends - Now What?!
Growing up we all know we had that one friend that our parents just DID NOT approve of! There was absolutely nothing we could do to convince our parents that this kid was harmless - or at least that's what we wanted our parents to think!
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