VILLAGE MEMBER | a caregiver; a guardian; someone who willingly takes on the role of a teacher to a younger generation; a family member; a neighbor; a coach; a protector; someone who positively influences the younger generation for their benefit
The role of a Village Member can be a thankless role. There are many times we feel drained or like we made a mistake taking on such a heavy role. Nothing seems to be working, because you see progress in one area + it appears several other areas come crashing down beside you. You knew when you made up in your mind to take this role that it would be difficult, but maybe you didn't anticipate just how much of a sacrifice it would be.
The person {or people} you take care of/pour into/influence may not have the words to communicate what's going on with them right now. They might have unresolved trauma, they may be afraid, unsure of whether to trust you yet, because everyone in their world has hurt them. No matter how you entered this position, I want you to know that YOU ARE APPRECIATED! YOU MATTER! WHAT YOU DO MATTERS!
This letter is for every village member to encourage you to keep going! As difficult as the past 5 months, 2 weeks, 5 minutes- may have been you took this role on for a reason. As long as you're able to manage {not causing health problems for you; not creating a situation that is worse for the people you're caring for + reasonably possible}, you have to keep going. You might be the only hope in their life. Those few moments you spend with them during practice or the few hours you spend with them until their parent/guardian gets home from work matter.
It is for you today, Dear Village Member, that I write this...