Finding Happiness After Trauma!

After our lives have been touched by traumatic events it can seem impossible to go back to life as it used to be. The truth of the matter will never be like it used to be. Once you have been impacted by trauma, your life changes forever. This could be a positive or negative experience depending on how you look at it.

Healing after trauma may seem impossible, but I’m here to tell you that if you do the work healing AND happiness after trauma is entirely possible! You might ask, “Well Seida how? How do I find happiness after this ugly, depressing or demoralizing thing has happened?”

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Reader Q + A | Why do you love working with aggressive kids?

Dear Reader,

Thank you for asking this question! I am sure many others have wanted to ask this question in the past! Can I give a short + sweet answer? I love working with aggressive kids, because they're awesome! Seriously, they are awesome, because if you can look beyond the behavior - you see their precious hearts!

I love working with aggressive kids, because they are simply longing to be validated! Let's stop + consider our own feelings! We want to be acknowledged + validated as a human being in this world. Why wouldn't teens want the same thing? It's easy for us to look at their behavior + see they're acting out for attention.

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Guest Post | They Cheated...You Stayed...Now What?!

They Cheated..You Stayed...Now What?!

6 Ways to Re-Build Trust After Infidelity

It hurts. You feel betrayed, disappointed, pissed off + confused all at once. The hurt caused after a spouse cheats may not change the fact that you still love them. You want the relationship to work + you may make the choice to stay.

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9 Things to Say to Teens Struggling With Self-Harm!

If you're a regular Tribe Member then you know that I L-O-V-E working with teens struggling with self-harming behaviors! Not because I'm some kind of weird freak or anything, but because I love watching the transformation that takes place in teens when they feel supported, valued + loved! There is beauty + power in vulnerability! There's something special that happens when the teen has struggled for so long + finally finds their tribe of supporters! 

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